Climate Change Target Is Actually Climate Solution
The infamous “Green New Deal”, disguised as the “Inflation Reduction Act”, rammed through Congress in the early days of the Joe Biden administration touts a plan claiming to REDUCE the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Hello again, it’s Rocketman, Ken Baxter here. I’m writing this story from sunny, Las Vegas, Nevada and thanks for stopping by.
A stunning article this month by Lance D Johnson for the Natural News, makes a strong case for more Co2, the mighty molecule responsible for keeping our earth green and producing oxygen we need to survive. Johnson explains, “The Democrat’s Green New Deal proposes a war on carbon dioxide, investing in methods to sequester this all-important atmospheric gas under the ground. However, according to new research, elevated CO2 levels are not only important for vegetation growth, but also play a role in maintaining water availability in the Northern Hemisphere.”
Johnson continues, “Artificial carbon capture and other geoengineering projects could be the main driving force behind wildfires, droughts and collapsing water tables in the Northern Hemisphere.” Let that sink in. The people screaming the loudest about climate change are the ones promoting spewing tons of a chemical soup into our air supply.
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So exactly what is technology called “Carbon Capture” and how this is done? In order to capture CO2, incredibly, involves the use of chemicals that they are pumping into our atmosphere. Compounds such as monoethanolamine, ammonia, and potash are used to “scrub” molecules of CO2 from the air, expelled by living beings and produced during some manufacturing processes. This “scrubbing” process has MIT scientists saying it doesn’t do the job anyway.
"Scientists find that CO2 levels help vegetation, soil and the water supply, reducing drought risk"
Lance D. Johnson, Natural News
Other ideas for achieving the goal are bizarre and counter productive at best to our country and makes me believe the Green New Deal is one great big, money laundering scam.
In addition to wind and solar solutions, they include off shoring American manufacturing to other countries such as China and India to keep CO2 emissions created during the manufacturing process off the books, taking jobs away from Americans! Seems that this is completely at odds with the lies being sold to American workers, and its only purpose is to win an election. Obviously they have no intention of delivering on these campaign promises.
What the so called climate experts are not telling you is that when CO2 levels fall too low, plant life begins to die. If plant life begins to die, humans begin to die. What exactly are they trying to achieve?
The bottom line, I believe and science has proven, is that CO2 is not a pollutant or villain that the environmental industrial complex has made it out to be. It seems to be a way that good people can be confused into supporting by politicians and pseudo activists, whose goal is bringing in dollars to fund pet projects or even worse to line their pockets with tax payer funding.
Please click here to read the Lance D Johnson article for the Natural News in its entirety. It will really make you question some of the information, presented as “settled science” being distributed that has actually little real science to back it up.
Ken Baxter, signing off and I hope you will be back real soon. Don’t forget to visit our other sites,, We The People and Rocketman.